Generate Your Free Human Design Charts

Use this tool to create personal charts, relationship charts or transit charts.

To get accurate results, it's important to provide a precise birth time.

Generate Free Human Design Charts

Use this tool to create personal charts, relationship charts or transit charts.

To get accurate results, it's important to provide a precise birth time.


By Joining our Human Design community you'll get free access to our absolutely amazing offerings to get you started.

These include:

  • A trial of your personalised Human Design Mentor through WhatApp

  • Two FREE lessons in our self paced Human Design course

  • A FREE Human Design report on your 3 keys to unlock your inner guide

  • A community platform to engage and learn from each others experiences


By Joining our Human Design community you'll get free access to our absolutely amazing offerings to get you started.

  • A trial of your personalised Human Design Mentor through WhatApp

  • Two FREE lessons in our self paced Human Design course

  • A FREE Human Design report on your 3 keys to unlock your inner guide

  • A community platform to engage and learn from each others experiences

Do you want access to detailed

Human Design Reports?

We’re continually updating our offerings with new reports!

Click below to explore which report aligns best with your current needs.

Do you want access to detailed

Human Design Reports?

We’re continually updating our offerings with new reports!

Click below to explore which report aligns best with your current needs.